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Abramoff scandal

(Encyclopedia) Abramoff scandal, in U.S. history, political corruption scandal resulting from criminal conduct on the part of lobbyist Jack Abramoff (1959–) and his associates. Abramoff was a…

Jack Horner

John R. "Jack" Horner Paleontologist Melissa Sogard Starting at an Early Age RELATED LINKS Dinosaur NewsFor Kids: DinosaursDinosaur Hall of FameDinosaurs: Fact and…

Jack Black

actor, musicianBorn: 4/7/1969Birthplace: Los Angeles Black spent most of the mid- and late-1990s in relative obscurity, frequently playing offbeat sidekick characters. That all changed in 2000,…

Jack Buck

Born: Aug. 21, 1924Radio-TV broadcast baseball games for St. Louis Cardinals from 1954-2001; CBS Radio voice for Monday Night Football (1978-96) and announcer for 1st televised AFL game in 1960;…

Jack Nance

(Marvin John Nance)actorBorn: 12/21/1943Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts Nance acted in several films directed by David Lynch, most memorably in the lead role of Eraserhead (1976); he also…

Jack Palance

(Walter Jack Palahnuik, Vladimir Palanuik)actor Born: 2/18/1919Birthplace: Lattimer, Pennsylvania This stage actor first appeared on film in Elia Kazan's Panic in the Streets (1950). His menacing…

Jack Benny

(Benjamin Kubelsky)comedianBorn: 2/14/1894Birthplace: Chicago Emmy Award-winning radio and television comedian remembered for his self-ridicule, his awful violin playing and his stinginess. He…

Jack Kerouac

(Jean Louis Kerouac)novelistBorn: 3/12/1922Birthplace: Lowell, Massachusetts Novelist and leader of the Beat generation. His books include On the Road (1957), considered the lasting testament of…

Jack Lemmon

actorBorn: 2/8/1925Birthplace: Boston Academy Award-winning film and stage actor who excelled at both comic and dramatic roles. His films include Mister Roberts (1955), The Odd Couple (1968) with…

Jack Nicholson

actor, director, producerBorn: 4/22/1937Birthplace: Neptune, New Jersey Academy Award-winning actor, director and producer known for portraying cynical, dissolute characters. His films include…